Monday, February 11, 2008

Welcome to Anatomy- Clothes are optional.

So I don't have a whole lot of time to post today because I am very busy pursuing my education, broadening my horizons, giving myself hope for a financially stable future, and mentally preparing myself to dissect a sheep brain without gloves. To me this is only slightly less appetizing than it sounds. the instructor, a loud woman lacking in both people skills and hygiene habits (there may be a correlation here..), is big on this really vague concept she calls, "getting IN to Anatomy". All this time I was thinking that she intended us to develop a passion for the subject, but it turns out that all this means is that I have to stick my bare hand into a sheep brain for two hours.

I'm not thrilled by this. I'm going to do it, if only to have an impressive story to tell my friends. this being said however, I may never be able to use my hands to eat again. Up until this moment, I had never considered sheep to be my enemy. In fact I had always regarded them with a certain amount of indifference. to me once they grew into their wobbly little knees they were suddenly just walking pillows that tended to collect poop on their fur.I rarely imagined them without their fur on, and NEVER without their skins on. But now I find myself in a bizarre situation. Laura vs. the yucky sheep brain. I'm not going down with out a fight.... but no gloves?? seriously..*hrpp*.......I'm sorry I just gagged a little.


Julie Hedeen said...

So Laura, when you dig around in a sheep's brain, do "thoughts" escape? You know, like "I had a thought but it escaped me." Did you suddenly have a yen for eating weeds? When I had an A&P instructor like that I brought my OWN gloves. And even through the gloves, I could smell the formalin. After I washed my hands. You're right, lunches after A&P lab were somehow NOT wonderful.

Kristen said...

That smell of formeldahyde tend to stay in your nose for days, or maybe you just carry a formeldahyde cloud with you wherever you go. Yuck. I can smell fetal pig. Is that you??
I promise, in the medical profession, we do NOT stick our hands into ANYTHING without gloves.

Unknown said...

I love your blog and the way your thoughts meander. Now I know where my sense of humor is. Some angel forgot to install it in me and plugged the extra into you! Sorry...programmer chatter. I may lack a sense of whitty humor, but I sure do love reading it! I'm not a big fan of my college instructors. I sometimes think they actually DO lie in bed at night and try to think of things to make us do that are COMPLETELY whacked and unnecessary just for their own entertainment. I'd wear nice tight gloves and if she sees them, just tell her you don't have gloves on and that she must be delusional. Kaiti is in the midst of skinning and dissecting a young pig...she is physically sick about it! I know we will be moving soon, but I'd love it if you'd keep in touch and let me and Kaiti know when you are done with school and what fabulous job you land!

Amber E said...

I have a confession to make. Because the I love Poles answer is funny I voted twice in your poll.

In other matters best wishes for surviving the sheep brain. There shouldn't be a problem with wearing gloves, they are for your safety. There has to be some diseases from sheep brains...So would today not be the day for reruns of Sherry Lewis and Lampchop's play along?

Julie Hedeen said...

Lisa, speaking of programmer chatter, I still laugh when I remember the computer person I took care of after she had a baby. When I went in to check on her at 3 am I asked if the baby was nursing all right. She was dozing and she looked down at the baby and said, "Well sometimes when he first logs on it doesn't feel right." We figure when you move to Florida we will have an excuse to go there! I hope Kaiti got through her fetal pig dissection ok. That wasn't one of my big favorites either. I couldn't identify a thing, just "pig glop!" YUK!

Julie Hedeen said...

Amber I took the high road. I WANTED to vote more than once, if only to even things out (nobody picked the "don't bother me one"), but I resisted! Laura I think I prefer barrels to poles.

April said...

I must say... EWWW! Now I've had to dig around the inside of dead chickens with no gloves on, but anything soaked in formaldehyde--NO WAY! Blech! But I have faith in you... Be brave! And hit the hand sanitizer hard. At least that just smells like rubbing alcohol.

Amber E said...

Oh my goodness, April is moving to FL? But I met you, and you were nice. This is probably my fault for leaving the state...:( Seriously though you have my best wishes for a good/safe move.

Aunt Julie, I respect you for taking the high road. You continue to be a role mode.

So when is the next Laura blog post? I just wanted to make sure Laura didn't have to be hospitalized or anything after the A&P class.

Julie Hedeen said...

No, April is "firmly rooted" (pun intended) in Minnesota because that's where her garden (oh yeah, and her husband and kids too) is. You know Lisa too--she and Kaiti came to IL with me a few years ago. Not only is she moving to Florida, but I think she is taking her horses! It's a red state!

April said...

Phew! So glad I'm not moving to Florida. They have some monster bugs there!

Laura said...

Florida is the only state where an exterminator is called in to SUBDUE the cockroaches rather than kill them.

Amber E said...

And Lisa is nice too. Didn't mean to scare ya April. Okay, Lisa, I hope everything goes well with the move and that you get to visit MN often. Sorry for the mixup.

Lol, Laura about the FL exterminators.