Thursday, March 27, 2008

March/Rambo....the REAL bad guys...

Two thirds of the way done with March and I’m just now saying, “so it’s going to be one of those kinds of months, isn’t it?” right at this very moment, I am supposed to be doing an essay for my psychology class on memory, except that I can’t seem to remember ever reading about this stuff in the first place….go figure. Every year at this time I find myself contemplating the merits of moving to the arctic circle and forming a progressive rock band (I’d call it Laura and the Bad Mittens), simply because it seems to be more productive then spending hours on end trying to remember why it is that the human brain forgets (Answer: because psychology stinks). At least in the arctic circle I could sleep in for a few months. I have suspected for a long time that march was a month that just ought to be stricken from the calendar. No offense to all of you March birthdays out there, but your month is just a segue into way cooler months anyway (ie: April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January, February) Not to worry though, We could simply move all birthdays, major holidays and spring breaks to April instead……if you really wanted to…….. Although, personally I think that if there were anything of true merit happening in March, it would have postponed itself until April.

And honestly, who decided to give March so many days? I think that congress should pass a law clearly stating that pointless and irritating months should be allocated less time per year than others who are more pleasant and warm, such as May. March is the real issue our country is facing.

Oh! And also, did you know that March is the number one killer in the United States?? Probably not…which is why I’m posting a link to the statistics…check it out.

(note: the word ‘Rambo’ is an alternative spelling of the word ‘March’)


Homework Awaits.


Julie Hedeen said...

Au Contraire! March just needs to be moved to a BORING month--like August! When summer is wearing out and nothing interesting ever happens! By the way, I am declaring Spring. Because I said so.

Amber E said...

Oh Laura, I love the picture of the lemon guy by the juicer! Was he driven to desperation by March?? I am feeling fine and have been feeling pretty much okay since Monday. The only problem is that my voice has not gotten the memo and I croak. Ordinarily this would be okay except I work in a call center so every third call (I counted) someone either asks if I am okay or says I sound terrible. While I appreciate the sympathy I would like to move to the arctic circle and take a nap too.

Martie said...

Hmmmm....we need to analyze why you think psychology stinks. Why, if not for psychology, kids could never outwit their parents. Or is it vice versa? I majored in psych partly to help me understand my family of origin, but it didn't work, so who am I to talk?

PearlitaPhi said...

Hey at least Rambo is an honest month! Doesn't the saying go, "Rambo in like a lion out like a bag of venomous snakes!" I'm proud to say I was born on Rambo 29th!

PearlitaPhi said...

Oh and I also adore that picture! Where ever did you find it? You should search something called 'can hav cheezborger'I think that's how they misspelled it... It's funny things.

PearlitaPhi said...

Julie Hedeen said...

I just reread all your posts, and they are still so funny! And so are we! Can you just imagine that we actually have jobs and drive cars! By the way, you did promise us a horse adventure story . . .

Laura said...

I'm sorry, you've reach the answering service of Laura E. Hedeen....accomplished blogger, and Animal enthusiast. Laura appreciates your interest in her blog, but is currently very busy with several extremely important projects. your request will be documented for survey purposes.

I'm working on something about cats in honor of a certain cousin's recent birthday....and besides horses could be several posts worth of material.

Kristen said...

I LOVE Laura and the Bad Mittens!
How about Laura Only Has Right Mittens? (the actual state of our mitten basket at the moment)Or Laura has No Mittens?
Or Hey!Where Are my Mittens?
I think I need to post a blog about the right mitten thing...